SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Chapter 703 of the Acts of the General As-
sembly of Maryland, Session of 1927 entitled "An Act to
authorize and direct the County Commissioners of Montgomery
County to make rules and regulations for the construction of
buildings within the Maryland Washington Metropolitan Dis-
trict of said County, as established by the General Assembly
of Maryland of 1927, and to provide for the appointment of a
building inspector and to prescribe penalties for failure to
comply with the provisions of said building regulations, " be
and the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted so as to read
as follows:
1. That the County Commissioners of Montgomery County
be and they are hereby authorized, empowered and directed
by uniform rules and regulations to regulate the construction,
tearing down and improvement of all types of buildings within
that portion of the Maryland Washington Metropolitan. Dis-
trict, established by the General Assembly of Maryland of
1927, lying within Montgomery County as they may deem
necessary, to regulate and establish the size of bricks and
thickness of walls that are to be used in the houses to be
built in said district or any portion therefor; to provide for
the entry into and examination of all buildings, lots, yards,
enclosures and cars, boats and vehicles of every description in
said districts to ascertain their condition for health, cleanliness
and safety; to provide for the taking down and removal of
buildings, walls, structures or superstructures in said district
that are or may become dangerous, or to require owners to move
them to put them in a safe and sound condition at their own
expense; to regulate the buildings and maintenance of party
walls, partitions, fences, parapet and fire walls, smoke flues,
fireplaces, hot-air flues, boilers, kettles, smokestacks and stove-
pipes in said district, and the storage of gasoline and other
combustibles or explosives therein; to provide for and regu-
late the safe construction, inspection and repair of all private
and public buildings within said district; to regulate, restrain
or prohibit the erection of wooden or frame buildings within
the present limits of said district or any thickly populated
portion of the same and to remove the same at the owner's
expense, when erected or suffered to remain contrary to law
or such regulations as they may adopt; to regulate the height,
construction and inspection of all new buildings hereafter
erected in said district; to regulate the limits within which it