cycles, semi-trailers, trailers, tractors and traction engines, de-
signed, constructed or intended to be propelled or drawn by any
power other than muscular power, except such vehicles as run
only upon rails or tracks. The term "new motor vehicle" for
the purposes of this law is defined to mean a motor vehicle, the
ownership of which is in a manufacturer, dealer, or distributor,
registered under the provisions of Section 179A, and which has
never been so used as to destroy its newness or to convert it into
or make it a used or second-hand vehicle as these terms are
commonly used or understood in trade or business. The term
"used motor vehicle" or "second-hand motor vehicle" for the
purposes of this law shall be applicable to all motor vehicles
other than those defined herein as new. The term "solid tire
vehicle" shall include all motor vehicles equipped with two or
more solid tires, or with tires coming in contact with the road
surface which are not inflated with air. The term "local author-
ities" shall include all officers of counties, cities, towns or vil-
lages, as well as all boards, committees and other public officials
of such counties, cities, towns or villages. The term "State"
as used in the sub-title, except when otherwise expressly pro-
vided and except in Section 190, shall also include the terri-
tories and federal districts of the United States. The term
"owner" shall include any person, firm, association or corpo-
ration owning a motor vehicle or having the exclusive use
thereof, under contract of purchase, lease, hiring or rental
thereof, or otherwise. The term "dealer" shall be lim-
ited to individuals, firms or corporations actively en-
gaged in the business of buying, selling or exchanging new
motor vehicles and who hold a dealer's contract therefor from
a manufacturer or distributor and who have an established
place for the conduct of such business. The term "chauf-
feur" shall be taken to include every person operating a motor
vehicle for hire, or as an employee of the owner thereof. The
terms "highway, " "roads, " "public highways" or "public
roads" shall include any highway or thoroughfare of any kind
used by the public, whether actually dedicated to the public
and accepted by the proper authorities or otherwise. The term
"safety zone" shall include all parts of the public highways
or private rights of way which are elevated above the travelled
road-bed, or set apart therefrom for the exclusive use of pedes-
trians or street car passengers and which are guarded or pro-
tected against vehicular travel by posts, plantings, curbing, or
otherwise, or which are appropriately marked or designated as
safety zones by duly constituted State or municipal authorities.