22. If upon the completion of the investigation of any
application as aforesaid, the said Supervisors of City Charities
of Baltimore City or said County Commissioners conclude that
unless relief is granted, the mother applying will be unable to
support and educate her children and that they may become
a public charge, said County Commissioners shall pay or said
Supervisors of City Charities shall order the City Comptroller
of Baltimore City to pay out of the funds of Baltimore City,
as the case may be, to the mother monthly on the first day
of each month, such sum as they may deem sufficient to en-
able said mother to support and educate her children. The
Board of Estimates and the Mayor and City Council of Balti-
more and the County Commissioners of the respective counties
of this State are authorized and directed to levy such taxes,
not exceeding one-quarter of one cent on each one hundred
dollars of assessable property, as may be necessary and suffi-
cient to carry out the provisions of this sub-title, or to pro-
vide for the same out of the proceeds of the general taxes
23. It shall be the duty of the County Commissioners in
the several counties wherein the applicant or petitioner resides,
or the Supervisors, of City Charities of Baltimore City, wherein
the applicant or petitioner resides, to see that any widow
mother who is receiving support pursuant to the provisions of
this sub-title, is properly caring for her children; that they
are sufficiently clothed and fed; that they attend school regu-
larly and that said family shall be visited at least once every
two months. Said County Commissioners or said Board of
Supervisors of Charities, as the case may be, may terminate
such payments or make such changes therein whenever the
purpose of this sub-title would be best subserved thereby.
24. Should the fund or funds available be insufficient to
permit of an allowance to only a part of the mothers coming
within the provisions of this sub-title, the County Commis-
sioners in the several counties or the Supervisors of City Chari-
ties of Baltimore City, shall select in their discretion those in
most urgent need of such allowance.
25. The Supervisors of City Charities for Baltimore City
shall have the power to employ such assistant investigators as
they may deem necessary, whose salaries shall be determined
by the Board of Estimates of Baltimore City.