SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Sections 21 to 31, inclusive, of Article 88A
of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1924 Edition), title
"State Aid and Charities, " sub-title "Mother's Relief, " be and
they are hereby repealed, and in lieu thereof seven new sections,
to be known as Sections 21 to 27, inclusive, be and they are
hereby added to said Article, to read as follows:
21. Any mother of a child or children under the age of
fourteen (14) years, whose husband is dead, and who is un-
able to support it or them and maintain her home, may pre-
sent a written application or petition for relief to the County
Commissioners of the county wherein she resides, or to the
Supervisors of City Charities of Baltimore City. Such appli-
cation or petition shall be verified in such manner and shall
contain such information as the said County Commissioners or
Supervisors of City Charities of Baltimore City may prescribe..
The child or children for whose benefit the relief is granted
must be living with the mother of such child or children. The
relief shall be granted only when, in the absence of such re-
lief, the mother would be required to work regularly away from
her home and children, and when, by means of such relief she
will be able to remain at home with her children, except, that
she may be absent for work a definite number of days each
week, to be specified in the order giving relief, when such work
can be done by her without the sacrifice of health or the neg-
lect of home and children.
A mother shall not receive such relief who is the owner of
real property or personal property other than the household
goods. A mother shall not receive such relief who has not re-
sided in the county where the application is made, or in the
City of Baltimore, at least three years before making such
application. Whenever any child shall arrive set the age of
fourteen (14) years, the relief granted to the mother for such
child shall cease; provided, that if a child of fourteen (14)
years of age be ill or is incapacitated for work, the mother
shall receive the funds for its care, during such illness or
incapacity for work, until such child is sixteen years of age.
It shall be the duty of the Supervisors of City Charities of
Baltimore City and the County Commissioners of the respec-
tive counties to investigate every application for relief made in
Baltimore City or in any of the counties, respectively, to hear
all witnesses for applicants and to carry out the provisions of
this sub-title.