immediately proclaimed by the said commissioners from among1
such candidates, which election shall be held on five days notice
and in all respects as aforesaid except as to the day of election
and the convening of the commissioners.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That the commissioners
elected shall hold office for two years from the second Saturday
in September, or until his successor shall be appointed or quali-
fied as herein provided. In case any person elected commissioner
shall fail to qualify within thirty days after his election as
commissioner, or in case of any vacancy caused by death, resig-
nation, disqualification or otherwise the remaining commissioners
shall fill such vacancies by the appointment of another citizen
of the said town qualified as hereinbefore provide who shall
hold office for the unexpired term. All vacancies on the Board
of Commissioners shall be filled by the remaining commissioners
in the same manner as provided in this section for filling va-
cancies due to other causes. The commissioners shall serve with-
out pay, and shall, at their first meeting, after election elect one
of their number to be chairman of the Board of Commissioners.
They shall pass laws and by-laws for their own government while
in session.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That the commissioners
shall meet in some convenient place in the said town on the first
Saturday of each and every month after their election, and quali-
fication and from time to time thereafter, as occasion may re-
quire, or upon call of the chairman, provided, however, that the
said commissioners in regular meeting may by resolution sus-
pend their meeting during the months of October, November,
December, January, February or any of said months.
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That the commissioners
shall appoint a treasurer who shall also act as clerk for the
said commissioners who, in addition to his or her duties as
treasurer, shall keep the minutes of their proceedings in a well-
bound book, which shall be open to the inspection of all citizens
of the said town, and said clerk shall perform such other duties
that the said commissioners shall assign to him or her.
SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That the commissioners
shall annually appoint one or more bailiffs for the said town,
who are hereby declared to have and are vested with the powers
of a constable of Prince George's County, within the limits of
the said town, and shall perform such duties as are necessary to
preserve the peace and good order of the said town.