SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That all persons of said
town who have owned property in said town for six months or
who have been purchasing property in said town for six months
under contract of sale, and their husbands or wives shall be
qualified to vote for candidates for the elective offices of the said
town, and the judges of election shall pass upon the qualifica-
tions and right of any person to vote in any election. The
judges of election shall keep a list of the names of all persons
who vote at any election and the names of any person who, by
them, has been refused the privilege of voting, which list shall
be turned over to the town commissioners within five days after
the election to which it relates.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the election for town
officers, except as hereinafter provided for the referendum, shall
be held on the second Saturday in August bi-annually after
the passage of this Act at a place to be designated by the com-
missioners, at which election the polls shall remain open from
two o'clock P. M. until nine o'clock P. M. The election shall
be conducted by three judges of election, and one clerk, to be
appointed by the commissioners of the said town. At least ten
days before any election the said commissioners shall insert a
notice thereof for two consecutive days in a Negro newspaper
published in the District of Columbia, and shall cause to be
posted in five conspicious places in said town notice of said elec-
tion, designating the place of voting, the hours the polls are
open and the names of the judges and clerk. In the event that
any judge or clerk after appointment is unable or declines to
serve, the remaining judges shall name someone to take his place.
Suitable ballot boxes polling places and printed ballots shall be
provided by the commissioners. Any person desiring to become
a candidate for any elective office shall at least twenty days be-
fore election, file or cause to be filed, with the commissioners,
or clerk thereof, a petition stating that he or she is a candidate
for the office, which petition must be filed by such person and
indorsed by at least fifteen persons intitled to vote in the next
town election. Upon the filing of said petition the commissioners
shall print such person's name upon the ballot with a square
opposite each, the names on the ballot, there shall appear a
statement instructing the voter as to how many persons to vote
for. Immediately upon the closing of the polls the ballots shall
be publicly counted, and the said judges, two days thereafter,
shall make a truthful and correct return to the chairman of
the said commissioners, and within ten days thereafter the said
commissioners shall meet and declare those qualified persons re-
ceiving the highest number of votes duly elected. In case two
or more persons shall have received the same number of votes
so that there is no choice for the office, a new election shall be