a Board of Commissioners to be named and known as "Com-
missioners of Eagle Harbor, " who shall have power to make
and enforce rules and regulations for the public health and
safety; and to authorize, empower and direct the said Com-
missioners of Eagle Harbor to make annual levies of not to
exceed twenty-five cents (25c) on each one hundred dollars
($100) of the assessable value of the real estate of the said
Town of Eagle Harbor; for the purpose of improving, main-
taining, repairing and lighting roads, streets, alleys, lanes,
sidewalks, parkings, for improvement of drainage, and for
other public improvements, and for providing police and fire
protection and other public service, and for defraying the
necessary and incidental expenses of the Board of Commis-
sioners in the performance of its public duties; and who shall
appoint a Treasurer to receive and disburse said funds; also
directing the Board of Commissioners of Prince George's
County to pay over to the said Treasurer of the said Town of
Eagle Harbor for the purpose of improving, maintaining, and
repairing roads, streets, lanes and alleys of the said town, a
portion of the money collected on account of the county road
and bridge tax in the same amount and manner as is now
required by law to be paid to incorporated towns in said
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the citizens of the Town of Eagle Harbor, Prince
George's County, Maryland, are hereby made a body corporate
by the name and style of "Commissioners of Eagle Harbor, "'
and by that name may have a perpetual succession, sue and be
sued, have and use a common seal, purchase and hold real, per-
sonal and mixed property, and sell and dispose of the same for
municipal purposes.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the boundaries of
said town shall be as defined and included within the plat of
Eagle Harbor sub-division, as the said plat is now designated
and recorded among the plat records of Prince George's County,
Maryland, in Liber S. D. H. 3, Folio 22.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the government of
the said town shall be vested in a board of five commissioners
to be elected at large, as hereinafter provided, each of whom
shall have been for six months prior thereto, a property owner
in said town or have been purchasing property in said town un-
der contract of sale, and in addition thereto shall at the said
time maintain in said sub-division a cottage or building for sum-
mer recreation.