Block X in the town of Friendsville, to-wit that alley running
from First to Second Avenue and the alley running from Oak
Street to Chestnut Street in said town of Friendsville. And
the Mayor and Council of Friendsville may provide for ascer-
taining whether any and what amount in value of damages will
be caused thereby to the owner or possessor of any property
lying in said Block Number X through which said alleys pass
which ought to be compensated, by the appointment of commis-
sioners to assess the same and for assessing and levying gener-
ally on the whole assessable property within the said town of
Friendsville, or especially on the property benefited, the whole
or any part of the damages and expenses incurred in closing
the said alleys. The Mayor and Council of Friendsville may
have power to grant appeals to the Circuit Court for Garrett
County from the decision of any commissioners or other persons
appointed by virtue of any ordinances to ascertain the damages
occasioned by the closing of said alleys and for the securing
to the person or persons injured the right, on application with-
in thirty (30) days from the return of the report of the com-
missioners, to have decided by jury trial whether any, and what
damage he, she or they have sustained; to provide for the col-
lecting and paying of the compensation awarded to any person
before said alleys shall be closed, and to enact all ordinances
from time to time necessary and proper to the exercise of the
powers 'granted in this Act; provided that before the Mayor
and Council of Friendsville proceed to execute any of the powers
vested in them by this Act, at least thirty (30) days7 notice
shall be given of any application which may be made to them
for the passage of any such ordinance by such means as they
may or shall prescribe and by personal notice in writing served,
by registered mail, twenty (20) days before upon each property
holder to be affected by the passage of the proposed ordinance,
provided that said parties are residents of Maryland.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect on the first day of June, 1929.
Approved April 11, 1929.
AN ACT to incorporate the Town of Eagle Harbor, in Prince
George's County, Maryland; to provide for the government
thereof and to provide for the submission of this question
to the qualified voters of the said town for their adoption or
rejection; and to provide for the election and succession of