curbs to be of such width as may be determined by the said
Mayor and Common Council and of a width sufficient for the
needs of said street.
SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That the Mayor and Common
Council of Riverdale be and they are hereby directed when the
owners of more than fifty (50) per centum of the land abutting
on any street in the town of Riverdale shall in writing petition
said Mayor and Common Council for the laying of the sidewalks,
curbs, gutters and roadbed of said street, as provided for in
Section 1 hereof, borrow from time to time on the credit of
the said Mayor and Common Council of Riverdale, a sum or
sums of money not to exceed at anytime eight (8) per centum
of the assessed valuation of the real property of the town of
Riverdale, and issue therefore and as evidence thereof bonds or
promissory notes upon such terms and conditions as the Mayor
and Common Council of Riverdale may designate, interest on
such bonds or promissory notes not to exceed the rate of six
(6) per centum per annum. The proceeds derived from the sale
of any bonds or promissory notes shall be used exclusively for
the purpose of laying sidewalks, curbs, gutters and roadbed pro-
vided for in Section 1 hereof, and no part of the same shall
be used for any other purpose whatsoever. The Treasurer of
said town is charged with the custody of any moneys received
from the issue and sale of said bonds or promissory notes as
above mentioned and shall be charged with the prompt collec-
tion of the moneys derived from assessments for sidewalks, curbs,
gutters and roadbed and he shall be changed with the safekeep-
ing thereof and said funds shall be kept as a separate account
and fund and no part thereof shall ever be used for any pur-
pose other than to liquidate the said bonds or promissory notes.
The Treasurer of said town shall be bonded in an amount equal
to the amount of money borrowed by the town, the cost of said
bond to be paid for by him and he to be allowed a commission
not to exceed two (2) per centum of the amount assessed against
the abutting (property owners for the improvement hereinbefore
set forth.
SEC. 3. When the Mayor and Common Council shall have
determined to make sidewalks, curbs, gutters or roadbed and
street improvement, or all or any in any street in said town,
they shall thereupon notify each property owner upon said
street proposed to be improved, by depositing said notice in the
United States Post Office addressed to such owner's last known
address, and publish notice thereof in the next succeeding issue
of one or more of the papers having circulation within the Town
of Riverdale, setting forth that on a certain day to be named
therein, the Mayor and Common Council will meet and notify