All moneys received by this State under the said Act
of Congress, as amended, shall be paid into a special "reem-
ployment service account" in the unemployment compen-
sation administration fund, and said moneys are hereby
made available to the Maryland Reemployment Service
to be expended as provided by this section and by said Act
of Congress. For the purpose of establishing and main-
taining free public employment offices, said Division is
authorized to enter into agreement with any political sub-
division of this State or with any private, nonprofit organ-
ization, and as a part of any such agreement the Board
may accept moneys, services, or quarters as a contribu-
tion to the Reemployment Service account.
There is hereby created in the State treasury a special
fund to be known as the unemployment compensation ad-
ministration fund. All moneys in this fund shall be ex-
pended solely for the purpose of defraying the cost of the
administration of this Act, and for no other purpose what-
soever. The fund shall consist of all moneys appropriated
by this State, and all moneys received from the United
States of America, or any agency thereof, including the
Social Security Board and the United States Employment
Service, or from any other source, for such purpose. All
moneys in this fund shall be deposited, administered, and
disbursed, in the same manner and under the same condi-
tions and requirements as is provided by law for other spe-
cial funds in the State treasury. Any balances in this fund
shall not lapse at any time, but shall be continuously avail-
able to the Board for expenditure consistent with this Act.
The State treasurer shall give a separate and additional
bond conditioned upon the faithful performance of his
duties in connection with the unemployment compensation
administration fund in an amount to be fixed by the Board
and in a form prescribed by law or approved by the Attor-
ney General. The premiums for such bond and the pre-
miums for the bond covering the unemployment compensa-
tion fund under section 9 of this Act, shall be paid from
the moneys in the unemployment compensation administra-
tion fund.