find necessary to assure the correctness and verification of
such reports; and shall comply with the regulations pre-
scribed by the Social Security Board governing the expen-
ditures of such sums as may be allotted and paid to this
State under title III of the Social Security Act for the
purpose of assisting in the administration of this Act.
Upon request therefor the Board shall furnish to any
agency of the United States charged with the administra-
tion of public works or assistance through public employ-
ment the name, address, ordinary occupation and employ-
ment status of each recipient of benefits and such recipi-
ent's rights to further benefits under this Act.
The Board shall create and administer a division to be
known as the Maryland State Reemployment Service
which shall establish and maintain free public employment
offices in such number and in such places as may be neces-
sary for the proper administration of this Act and for
the purpose of performing such duties as are within the
purview of the Act of Congress entitled "An Act to pro-
vide for the establishment of a national employment sys-
tem and for cooperation with the States in the promotion
of such system, and for other purposes, " approved June
6, 1933 (48 Stat. 113; U. S. C. A. title 29, sec. 49 (c), as
amended. The said division shall be administered by a
full-time salaried director, who shall be charged with the
duty to cooperate with any official or agency of the United
States having powers or duties under the provisions of
the said Act of Congress, as amended, and to do and per-
form all things necessary to secure to this State the benefits
of the said Act of Congress, as amended, in the promotion
and maintenance of a system of public employment offices.
The provisions of the said Act of Congress, as amended,
are hereby accepted by this State, in conformity with sec-
tion 4 of said Act, and this State will observe and comply
with the requirements thereof. The Maryland Reemploy-
ment Service Division is hereby designated and constituted
the agency of this State for the purpose of said Act. The
Executive Directors, subject to the approval of the Board
are directed to appoint the director and employees of the
Maryland Reemployment Service, in accordance with regu-
lations prescribed by the Director of the United States
Employment Service.