sentative, shall have jurisdiction to issue to such person
an order requiring such parson to appear before the Board
or its duly authorized representative, or the Board of Re-
view, there to produce evidence if so ordered or there to
give testimony touching the matter under investigation or
in question; and any failure to obey such order of the
court may be punished by said court as a contempt thereof.
Any person who shall without just cause fail or refuse to
attend and testify or to answer any lawful inquiry or to
produce books, papers, correspondence, memoranda, and
other records, if it is in his power so to do, in obedience
to a subpoena of the Board, its duly authorized agent, or
the Board of Review, shall be punished by a fine of not
more than $1,000. or by imprisonment for not longer than
one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment, and each
day such violation continues shall be deemed to be a sep-
arate offense.
No person shall be excused from attending and testify-
ing or from producing books, papers, correspondence,
memoranda, and other records before the Board or in
obedience to the subpoena of the Board of Review or any
member thereof in any cause or proceeding before the
Board of Review, on the ground that the testimony or
evidence, documentary or otherwise, required of him may
tend to incriminate him or subject him to a penalty or for-
feiture; but no individual shall be prosecuted or subjected
to any penalty or forfeiture for or on account of any trans-
action, matter, or thing concerning which he is compelled,
after having claimed his privilege against self-incrimina-
tion, to testify or produce evidence, documentary or other-
wise, except that such individual so testifying shall not
be exempt from prosecution and punishment for perjury
committed in so testifying.
In the administration of this Act, the Board shall co-
operate to the fullest extent consistent with the provisions
of this Act, with the Social Security Board, created by the
Social Security Act, approved August 14th, 1935, as amend-
ed; shall make such reports, in such form and containing
such information as the Social Securitv Board may from
time to time require, and shall comply with such pro-
visions as the Social Security Board may from time to time