satisfy the fortunate adventurers for prizes drawn by them, and after deducting the necessary ex-
penses incurred in said lottery or lotteries, shall, within twelve months from the time the drawing
of said lottery or lotteries shall commence, apply the money raised by such lottery or lotteries for
improving the navigation of the river Patowmack, and the tributary streams thereof.
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall be the duty of the said president and managers, before
they act as such, to lodge the bond made and entered into as aforesaid in the office of the clerk of
the court of appeals for the western shore, there to be recorded, and upon such bond, or any office
copy thereof, suit or suits may be instituted against the obligors therein, or any of them, or their
legal representatives, for any breach or non-compliance with the condition of the same.
Passed 7th of
Jan. 1810.
A Further additional Supplement to the Act, entitled, An Act for
erecting a Public School in Frederick County.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That whenever vacancies happen by death,
resignation, ar removal out of the county, of any one or more of the visitors of Frederick coun-
ty school, no appointment shall be hereafter made to fill up such vacancies until the number of said
visitors is reduced to nine, of which number the board of visitors of Frederick county school shall
thereafter consist, any law to the contrary notwithstanding.
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the visitors of Frederick county school, and their successors, or
a majority of them, shall have full power and authority to constitute and appoint a president of their
board, in the same manner as may be done by ary other corporate body, to be styled The President
of the Board of Visitors of Frederick County School.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That tive sixth, seventh and eighth sections of an act passed at No-
vember session, eighteen hundred and one, entitled, An additional supplement to the act, entitled,
An act for erecting a public school in Frederick county, shall be and the same are hereby repealed.
Passed 7th of
Jan. 1810.
An ACT to authorise Hannah Hall, Administratrix of Richard Hall,
to sell certain Land therein mention.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Hannah Hall, administratrix of Richard
Hall, late of Caecil county, shall be authorised to join in a conveyance of a tract of land, being
part of Talbot's Manor, in the county aforesaid, late the property of John Hall, senior, deceased,
with Samuel M'Cullock, executor of John Hall, and Mary M'Cullock his wife, Sarah Hall, Jean
Hall, Robert Baker, and Margaret Baker his wife, which said conveyance, on the part of the said
Hannah Hall, shall effectually transfer all the estate, right and title, which the said Richard Hall had
in and to the said land owned and possessed by John Hall, senior, of Caecil county.
II. PROVIDED NEVERTHELESS, AND BE IT ENACTED, That nothing in this act contained shall ex-
tend, or be construed to extend, to enable the said Hannah Hall to convey any of the right, title or
interest, of Richard Hall, deceased, of, in and to, any of the real estate of the said John Hall,
senior, unless before she shall make the said conveyance she shall enter into bond, with good and
sufficient security, in such penalty as the orphans court of Caecil county shall adjudge proper, condi-
tioned for the payment to all the children of the said Richard Hall, as they shall severally arrive at
lawful age, or to their guardians, such part or portion of the money, with interest thereon, arising
from the sale of said land, as may by law be due and payable to them, which bond shall be recorded
in the office of the register of wills for the county aforesaid, upon an attested copy of which, under
the seal of office, suit or suits may be brought for the non-performance of the condition of said bond.
Passed 7th of
Jan. 1810.
A Supplement to the Act, entitled, An Act to provide for the erection
of a new Court-House for Baltimore County.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the levy court of Baltimore county be
and they are hereby authorised and required to assess and levy, upon the assessable property of
said county, in such successive annual instalments, any sum not exceeding five thousand dollars an-
nually, in addition to the sum which the said court are now authorised to levy, as they may from