III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall ascertain
and value what damages may be sustained by any person or persons through whose land the said road
shall pass, and the same, when so assessed, shall be paid, or secured to be paid, by the contributors,
before the said commissioners shall proceed to open the said road; provided always, that if any per-
son or persons through whose land the said road shall pass, or his, or her or their guardian or trustee,
shall conceive themselves aggrieved by such valuation and assessment of damages by the said commis-
sioners, it shall and may be lawful for the person or persons injured to apply to a justice of the peace,
who shall issue his warrant to the sheriff of the county, commanding him to summon twelve freehold-
ers of the county, not interested in the premises, and qualified to serve as jurors in the county courts,
to appear on a day specified in said warrant, on the premises, and the sheriff is hereby authorised to
administer an oath to every person so summoned, that he will, without favour, affection, prejudice
or partiality, assess the damages sustained by the persons at whose instance such inquisition shall be
taken, by reason of opening the aforesaid road through his, her or their land, -and the persons, so
summoned and qualified, shall thereupon proceed to assess and value the damages accordingly, of
which the said commissioners, or some one of them, shall have at least five days previous notice,
and such inquisition shall be final and conclusive between the parties; and in assessing the damages
the jury shall take into consideration the conveniences and inconveniencies, the advantages as well
as disadvantages, if any, arising to the proprietors of the land over which the said road may pass.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commissioners shall not lay out or open the said road
through the buildings, yards, gardens, meadows or orchards, of any person, without his or her
An ACT allowing further time to the Patowmack Company for com-
pleting the Navigation of the Patowmack River, and for other
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the further time of ten years, to be
computed from the expiration of the term already granted, shall be and is hereby allowed the
Patowmack company to complete the navigation of the Patowmack river.
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That whensoever any person or persons shall seal and deliver an in-
strument of writing, purporting to be a conveyance of any share or shares in the said company, or
of any interest in such share or shares, the said instrument of writing shall be sufficient for trans-
ferring such share or shares, or interest therein, if the same be acknowledged by the party or parties
making such conveyance, or proved by three witnesses, of the sealing and delivery of the instrument
in writing, before any court of law, or two justices of the peace, or the mayor, or other chief ma-
gistrate of any city, town or corporation, certified by such court, justices of the peace, mayor or
chief magistrate, in such manner such acts are usually authenticated by them, and entered, regis-
tered or recorded, in the books of the said company, within the time now allowed by law for making
such entry, register or record as aforesaid; and where a feme-covert shall be a party making any con-
veyance as aforesaid, her acknowledgment thereof may be taken without the formality of a commis-
sion to be issued for that purpose, but shall be made by such feme-covert privately and apart from her
husband, as heretofore, in presence of the court or persons herein authorised to certify the same,
before the said writing shall be considered as effectual for conveying the right or interest of such
Passed 7th of
Jan. 1810.
An ACT to authorise the President and Managers of the Patowmack
Company to raise a sum of Money by Lottery or Lotteries for the
purposes therein mentioned.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That it shall and may be lawful for the presi-
dent and managers of the Patowmack company, to propose a scheme of a lottery or lotteries for
raising a sum of money, not exceeding three hundred thousand dollars, for the purpose of improving
the navigation of the river Patowmack, and the tributary streams thereof, and to sell and dispose of
the tickets thereof in any part of the state of Maryland; provided the said president and managers,
before they shall undertake to act under this law, shall, before the sale or disposal of any ticket or
tickets in said lottery or lotteries, give their bond to the state of Maryland, in the penalty of six hun-
dred thousand dollars, conditioned that they will well and truly apply so much of the money arising
therefrom, within six months after the drawing of said lottery or lotteries shall commence, as will
Passed 7th of
Jan. 1810.