An ACT to repeal the Act, entitled, An Act for the preservation of
the navigation of Cabin Creek, in Dorchester County.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the act, entitled, An act for the pre-
servation of the navigation of Cabin creek, in Dorchester county, passed at November session,
eighteen hundred and seven, be and the same is hereby repealed.
Passed 6th of
Jan. 1810.
An ACT authorising Buckler Bond, of Harford County,, to erect Gates
on the Road therein mentioned.
WHEREAS Buckler Bond, and others, by their petition have represented to this general as-
sembly, that the road leading from Robert Walters's mill until it intersects the road leading
from Belle Air to Baltimore, is but little used, and that it would be of great conveniency to the said
Bond to have liberty to erect gates thereon, and little or no inconvenience to the public; therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That it shall and may be lawful for Buckler
Bond to erect two gates on the road leading from Robert Walters's mill to the road leading from
Belle-Air to Baltimore, at such places as he may think proper, provided the same be on his own land,
and provided also that the said gates be hung on good and sufficient iron hinges, and kept in repair,
So as to impede, as little as possible, persons travelling either on horseback or with carriages of
pleasure or burthen.
Passed 6th of
Jan. 1810.
An ACT authorising the Register of the Land-Office of the Western
Shore, under the direction of the Chancellor, to issue a Patent to
George Churchman, and others, for the Land ar Lot therein men-
WHEREAS George Churchman, by his memorial to this general assembly, hath represented,
that the said Churchman, and others, hold in trust, for the purpose of promoting the educa-
tion of poor children, a lot of land containing sixty acres, called School Lot or Charity Lot, which
has been attained by means of donations from sundry individuals for the benevolent purpose aforesaid,
eleven acres and fifty-four perches of which lie in Caecil county, Maryland, and for which no patent
hath been yet obtained; therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the chancellor is hereby authorised
to direct the register of the land-office of the western shore to issue a patent for the lot of land afore-
said, called Charity Lot, in East Nottingham, Caecil county, containing eleven acres and fifty-four
perches of land, unto George Churchman, Robert Brown and George Churchman, junior, to be held
in trust by them, and their successors, for the education of poor children.
III. AND, BE IT ENACTED; That whenever the trustees, or their successors, or a majority of
them, who hold in trust the lands and other donations for the education of said poor children, shall
choose a more eligible site for a schoolhouse, the said trustees, or their successors, or a majority of
them, are hereby authorised and empowered to sell and convey, in tee, for ever, the above Jot of
land, or any part thereof, that they now hold for said charitable purpose, and vest the proceeds
thereof in such other real or personal property as will, in the opinion of the said trustees, or their
successors, or a majority of them, best promote the benevolent design aforesaid.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED,. That the act, entitled, An act to establish the right of a lot called
Church Lot, in East Nottingham, Caecil county, to trustees, in trust for the inhabitants of said
township for the use of a school, be and the same is hereby repealed.
Passed 6tlh of
Jan. 1810.