VIII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said trustees, and their successors, or a majority of them
shall report their proceeding, and the state of the academy, to the general assembly, for their in-
spection and examination; and this act of incorporation, and every part thereof, and the proceedings
of the trustees in execution thereof, shall have effect in law, according to the true intent and mean-
ing of the same respectively, and shall be construed, reputed and adjudged, in all cases, most fa-
vourably on the behalf and for the benefit of the said trustees, and their successors, so as most
effectually to answer the objects and design of this act, towards the advancement and promotion of
knowledge and virtue.
An ACT concerning the amendment of Judicial Proceedings.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the courts of law shall have power to
order and allow amendments to be made in all proceedings whatever before verdict, so as to
bring the merits of the question between the parties fairly to trial, and if amendment is made after
the jury is sworn, a juror shall be withdrawn; and in ail cases where amendments are made, the ad-
verse party shall have time to prepare to support his case, but the case shall not be continued to the
next term, unless the court shall be satisfied that the same is necessary, and such costs shall be al-
lowed the party against whom such amendment may be made as the court shall think just.
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all writs of error wherein there shall be any variance from the
original record, or other defect, may be amended, and made agreeable to such record; and that where
any verdict shall be given in any action, suit or demand, in any court of record of this state, the
judgment thereupon shall not be stayed or reversed for any defect of form or substance in any writ,
original or judicial, or for any variance in such writs from the declaration or other proceedings, nor
for defects in any count in the declaration, so that there be one good count; and if the court of ap-
peals should be of opinion that there appears to be sufficient matter of substance in the record and
proceedings on any appeal or writ of error to enable them to proceed thereon, the same shall not be
reversed or dismissed for want of form, and the court may, on motion, permit and direct any entry
to be made, or act to be done, by either party, on the trial of any appeal, or during its pendency,
which might or could have been done by such party after verdict, in the court from whose judgment
such appeal was made, and which in law might have been necessary to give effect and validity to
such judgment.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to extend to any cri-
minal process or prosecutions at the suit of the state.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That in all cases where a verdict shall be given in any court of this
state, the court before whom such verdict shall be given, shall and they are hereby authorised to en-
ter such judgment upon the verdict as will carry an interest on the same until the payment of the da-
mages assessed by the jury giving such verdict, in the same manner as is now used and practised in
the cases of a confession of judgment in said court.
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all justices of the peace of this state shall be compelled, upon
entering judgments upon casts within their jurisdiction, to enter the same in" such manner as shall
carry an interest thereon from the date thereof until the same shall be paid or satisfied.
Passed 6th of
Jan. 1810.
An ACT to prevent Insurance on Lottery Tickets.,
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That if any person shall insure, or cause to
be insured, any ticket, number or chance, in any lottery, for any purpose, or against any event
whatever, or shall sell any ticket, part of a ticket, number or chance, in any lottery, for a day or
other limitted time, reserving any right, interest or claim, in or to any such ticket, part of a ticket,
number or chance, or shall make, or cause to be made, any contract or agreement for or respecting
any ticket, number or chance, or part or share of any ticket, number or chance, in any lottery what-
ever, other than a complete and bona fide sale of a ticket or tickets, or parts of shares of tickets, in
lotteries authorised by the laws of this state, every person so offending shall forfeit and pay the sum
of thirty dollars for each. and every offence, one half to the use of the informer, and the other half
to the use of the county in which the offence shall be committed, to be recovered by warrant before:
a justice of the peace, in the same manner as small debts are or shall be recoverable.
Passed 6th of
Jan. 1810.