such improvements or repairs or to proceed to make such
improvements or repairs and assess the cost thereof to the
owner or owners of the abutting property in proportion to
the frontage of such property and to make such expense a
lien upon said abutting property. (28) To license, tax and
regulate all inns, taverns, dance halls, pool rooms, soda foun-
tains, pool tables, bowling alleys, places where soft drinks are
disposed of, livery or sales stables, hotels, restaurants, lunch
rooms or other places used or kept for public entertainment,
and in the discretion of said Mayor and Council to refuse
to grant any such license and to revoke any such license when
granted. (29) To grant franchises and easements of the
public streets, lanes or alleys of said town to electric light
companies, gas companies, and other public utilities provided
that none of such franchises or easements are for a longer
duration than twenty years.
For the purpose of carrying out the foregoing powers the
Mayor and Council may pass any and all ordinances and
by-laws from time to time deemed necessary and may enforce
and insure the observance of such by-laws or ordinances in
the same manner and the same provisions of law shall apply
in all respects thereto as is set forth and provided in Section
279 of Staton's Code of Public Local Laws of Worcester
County, entitled "Pocomoke City. "
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect May 1, 1927.
Approved April 5, 1927.
AN ACT to authorize and direct the County Commissioners
of St. Mary's County to levy, for the year 1927, a sum not
to exceed $700, for repairing Scotland School for colored
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the County Commissioners of St. Mary's
County be and they are hereby authorized and directed to levy,
for the year 1927, a sum sufficient to repair the colored school
building, known as Scotland School, in the First Election Dis-