and regulate bawdy houses, disorderly houses and houses of
ill-fame and to prohibit the youth of said town from being
on the streets, lanes and alleys at unreasonable hours of the
night. (18) To prevent the encumbering of streets, alleys,
squares, sidewalks and crossings with vehicles, horses or any
substance or material interfering with the free use of the
same. (19) To regulate the speed of horses, wheeled ve-
hicles, cars, locomotives and all other vehicles. (20) To
regulate and protect all bridges, culverts, tunnels, viaducts,
aqueducts, sewers, canals and hydrants wholly or partly in
said town and to prohibit digging in the streets, alleys or
public places or in any way injuring, disturbing or making
holes in the surface thereof. (21) To regulate the use of
sidewalks and all structures, under or above the same and to
require the owner or occupants of premises to keep the side-
walks in front of the same free from snow and other obstruc-
tions, and prescribe hours for cleaning the same. (22) To
regulate and prevent the throwing, depositing of sweepings,
dirt, ashes, offal, dust, garbage, paper, hand bills, dirty
liquids or any other material into any street, alley or public
place. (23) To regulate the use of streets, sidewalks and
public places for signs, sign posts, awnings, awning posts,
poles, horse troughs, steps, railings, entrances, racks, posting
hand bills and advertisements, and displaying goods, wares
and merchandise. (24) To regulate and prevent the flying
of flags, banners or signs across the streets or from houses.
(25) To regulate the number of houses and lots and compel
owners to renumber the same, or in default thereof, to author-
ize and require the same to be done by such person as the
Council may appoint, at the owner's expense, such expense to
constitute a lien upon the property to be enforcible as pro-
vided in the ordinance. (26) To regulate the making of
private connections with sewer, gas and water pipes, and to
compel the owners of property to bring such connection inside
of the curb of streets before permanent improvements thereof,
and in default of the owners making such connection to
authorize the town to do so at the owner's expense and to
make such expense a lien upon the property. (27) To re-
quire and enforce the grading, regrading, stoneing or reston-
ing, paving or repaving, or drainage of the public streets,
gutters, sidewalks, alleys and lanes of the town at the expense
of the owners of the abutting property and in case of a
failure of such owner or owners of such property to make