ing or outhouses situate in said town when the same may have
become filthy or unwholesome, to abate or cleanse the same, and
to authorize the same to be done by the proper officers, and
assess the expense thereof against such property. (7) To
regulate or prohibit the interment of bodies and to authorize
the removal of bodies now or hereafter buried, or of cemeteries
to some other proper place. (8) To authorize the removal or
confinement of persons having infectious or pestilential dis-
eases. (9) To regulate or prohibit the ringing of bells, crying
of goods or sounding of steam whistles. (10) To. regulate and
require the inspection and condemnation, if unwholesome, and
to regulate the sale of meats, poultry, fish, butter, oleomar-
garine, cheese, lard, vegetables and all other food or provisions.
(11) To authorize and require the inspection and licensing of
steam boilers and elevators and to prohibit their use when
unsafe or dangerous or without license. (12) To authorize
and require the inspection of buildings and structures erected,
or to be erected, or in progress of erection; to cause the license
or permit therefor to be revoked and the condemnation thereof
in whole or in part when dangerous or unsecure in the opinion
of the building inspector or such person as the said Council
may appoint to inspect the same, and to require the same to be
taken down within a specified time by the owner thereof, or in
default thereof, to require the same to be taken down at the
said owner's expense, or in case of an emergency, to require
the same to be taken down by such person as the Council may
appoint without delaying for the owner to do so. This power
to include authority to tear down buildings or parts of buildings
rendered dangerous by fire or other catastrophe. (13) To
regulate the location, size, character and cost of all buildings
to be erected and to provide such regulations by ordinance.
(14) To compel persons about to undertake dangerous im-
provements to execute bond with sufficient sureties, con-
ditioned that the owner or contractor will pay all damages
which may be sustained by any person or property from such
work. (15) To regulate the construction of chimneys, smoke
stacks, hearths, ovens, the erection of stoves and stove pipes,,
boilers, and apparatus used in buildings or other places, and
cause the same to be removed or made secure, when con-
sidered dangerous; to compel owners and occupants of houses
and buildings to erect and maintain fire escapes. (16) To
regulate and prohibit the keeping of any lumber yard and
the placing or piling of any lumber, wood or combustible ma-
terial within the fire limits. (17) To suppress, distrain