man or night watchman or any other officer or employee that
may be elected or appointed under any ordinance or order of
the Mayor and Council, whatever may be the term or service
under which he holds said office or employment, for neglect of
duty, for incompetence or for any other misconduct which in
the judgment of the Mayor and Council constitutes reasonable
and sufficient grounds for removing him from office or depriv-
ing him of employment. In all cases where the official or em-
ployee has any fixed or definite term of service a charge or
complaint in writing shall be presented to him and evidence
as to the facts alleged in such charge or complaint shall be
taken before the Mayor and Council if he denies the truth of
the facts alleged against him; but where such officer or em-
ployee holds his employment at the will of the Mayor and
Council they may discharge him with or without formal charge
or hearing if they consider it just, right and expedient thus
to do.
279-A. In addition to the powers already possessed and
not in limitation thereof the Mayor and Council of Pocomoke
City shall have power and authority to make such by-laws
and to pass such ordinances not contrary to law and in con-
formity with this charter as they may deem necessary for
the good government of the said town for the following pur-
poses to wit: (1) For the erection and maintenance of houses
of correction and for the confinement of criminals, hospital
or pest houses within the limits of the town, and for the
regulation and government of the same. (2) For erecting
and maintaining bridges. (3) For establishing, maintaining
and regulating an adequate police force. (4) To regulate
the location and management of starch factories, glue fac-
tories, renderies, tallow chandlers, bone factories, soap fac-
tories, fertilizer factories, hide houses, tanneries, slaughter
houses, livery stables, foundaries and all other establishments
the business or trade of which may become noxious or in-
jurious to public comfort and health; to prohibit the erection
of such buildings or the continuance of such noxious or
injurious operations therein. (5) To prevent the deposit of
any unwholesome substance, either on private or public prop-
erty; to compel its removal to designated places, and to re-
quire slops, garbage, ashes and other substance of unwhole-
some material to be removed to designated places, or to re-
quire the occupants of premises to place it conveniently for
removal. (6) To compel the occupants of any premises, build-