ty Commissioners of said county, but only upon the presenta-
tion to them by the Sheriff of a full and complete statement,
under oath, setting forth all of the items of said expense ac-
counts for the month in question, including the names of all
deputies and the amount allowed to each, and all other items
)f expense, which statement under oath it is hereby made the
duty of the Sheriff to make up and to submit to the said Coun-
ty Commissioners at the time of each monthly requisition;
and the said County Commissioners shall not pay the said
Sheriff for any services he may render in the discharge of his
official duties any further or other compensation and shall not
be liable in any way for any other fee or compensation what-
ever to said Sheriff than as above provided for the discharge
of his official duties and the expenses of his office, except as
follows: For carrying or conveying any person or persons
under sentence to any State or County institution or from any
jail of any other county, or the jail or station-house of Balti-
more City, or to or from any other place of confinement be-
yond the limits of Anne Arundel County, under sentence or
order of any authorized authority, the said County Commis-
sioners shall pay the said Sheriff his actual carfare or actual
cost of transportation, together with the actual cost of trans-
portation of such person carried or conveyed by him to or
from the place above mentioned; authorized bill for such ex-
penses in all such cases shall be presented under oath to said
County Commissioners before payment.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That all Acts and parts
of Acts inconsistent herewith be and the same are hereby re-
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from the first day of June, nineteen hundred and twenty-
seven (1927).
Approved April 5, 1927.
AN ACT to provide for the payment of a pension to Frederick
Ehlers by the Police Commissioner for the City of Balti-
more out of the Special Fund.
(Vetoed. )