if twenty or more persons residing in said village and own-
ing taxable real or personal property in said village petition
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Board of County Commissioners of Balti-
more County, at the time of the annual tax levy, beginning
with the levy for the year 1928, and for each succeeding year
thereafter are hereby authorized, directed and required to make
a special annual levy of such amount as may be mentioned in
the petition hereinafter referred to on each front foot of
each and every lot situate in the village of Middleborough, in
Baltimore County, to be collected as other county taxes in said
county are collected, and such special annual levy shall be paid
over by the said County Commissioners to the Roads Engineer
of Baltimore County, to be used by him exclusively for
the betterment of roads and sidewalks in said village of
Middleborough, provided twenty or more persons residing in
said village, and owning such taxable real or personal property
in said village shall, prior to each annual levy, petition the said
County Commissioners, thereby asking that special levy be
made, and in said petition mentioning the amount desired to be
especially levied; provided the same shall not exceed the sum
of five cents per front foot on each and every lot in Middle-
borough; provided there shall not be a levy in any year of
more than ten dollars on any one improved lot; and provided
further that there shall not be a levy in any year of more than
ten dollars on any one or more unimproved lots owned by the
same person, whether said lots be contiguous to each other or
separate; provided, however, that all taxes collected under the
provisions of this Act and turned over to the Roads Engineer
of Baltimore County, shall be used exclusively by him for the
betterment of the roads and sidewalks, within the area as pro-
vided for in Section Number 2 of this Act.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That for the purpose
of this Act the metes and bounds of the village of Middle-
borough shall be deemed and taken to be as follows:
All that tract of land in the 15th District of Baltimore
County in Back River Neck known as "Middleborough" shown
on the Plat thereof dated May, 1916, and recorded among the
Land Records of Baltimore County in Plat Book WPC
No. 4, folio 191, and etc., being all the land described in a deed
from Helen Turner, Executrix of the estate of Harry F. Tur-