SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That Mrs. William D. Gould,
and Messrs. Clarence L. Saxton, Robert H. Matthews, Earl
W, Orem, P. Watson Webb, Russel P. Smith, Levi B. Phillips,
John A. Baker and Sydney H. Henry, all of Dorchester Coun-
ty, State of Maryland, be and they are hereby appointed a
committee, to be known and designated as the "Cambridge
School Committee, " to serve without pay, and who, at their
first meeting to be held in not more than sixty days after this
Act becomes effective, shall choose one of their number as
Chairman and another of their number as Secretary and who
shall keep a minute of their proceedings; five of said Committee
shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of all business
and in case of a vacancy, or vacancies, in the membership of
said Committee, caused by death, resignation, refusal to serve
or otherwise, the remaining members shall have power to fill
such vacancy, or vacancies. The said Committee shall select
and purchase a suitable site for a school building within or near
the corporate limits of the city of Cambridge, and shall pro-
cure and adopt plans and specifications for the construction
of such building, and may, in its discretion, employ a skillful
and competent architect for the purpose of preparing such
plans and specifications and of supervising, under its control,
the work of construction; the Committee shall invite sealed pro-
posals by advertisement, to be inserted in two newspapers
published in Dorchester County, and by such other advertise-
ment as it shall deem proper, for the construction and comple-
tion of such building, including heating apparatus, lighting,
ventilation and all other things to make said building com-
plete for school occupation; and they may invite separate pro-
posals for the different items, or all jointly, as in its discretion
may seem to be most advantageous; the said proposals shall
be made in sealed envelopes, addressed to the Chairman of
said Committee, and shall be publicly opened on the day and
time and in the place named in said advertisements, and the said
Committee, (reserving unto itself the right to reject any and
all bids), shall award the contract, or contracts, for such work to
the lowest responsible bidder, or bidders, giving satisfactory bond
to the State of Maryland, in such penalty as the said Commit-
tee shall determine, conditioned for the faithful performance
of the contract entered into, and which said bond shall be
liable to suit by the county board of education for the viola-
tion of any of its terms and conditions.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the said Committee shall
have the power, in its name, to make all contracts for the
work aforesaid, or any part thereof, as well as all contracts
for equipping and furnishing the said school building, or
for purchasing a site for the same, or for renovating and en-