larging existing school buildings in said city, the said con-
tracts and all plans and specifications, to be subject to the
approval of the State Superintendent of Schools to the same
extent as provided in section 30 of Article 77 of the Anno-
tated Code of Maryland; that all contracts for amounts of
$500, or over, shall be in writing and the signature of the
Chairman thereto, attested by its Secretary, if duly authorized
by the Committee, or a quorum thereof, shall be a sufficient
execution of such contract on the part of the Committee; the
said Committee shall provide itself with a book, containing
warrants, numbered consecutively, and in such form as it
may adopt, and shall issue its warrants, to be signed by the
Chairman and the Secretary, to the contractor or contractors,
for money due under his, or their, contract or contracts, and
for all expenses incident to the said work, specifying the sum
to be paid and the purpose for which paid, upon the Board
of Education of Dorchester County, and the said Board of
Education on said warrants, and in no other manner, shall
pay out and disburse the money in their hands, designated as
the "'Cambridge School Fund, " for the purposes aforesaid;
and all contracts entered into by said Committee, under au-
thority contained in this Act, shall be binding upon the Board
of Education aforesaid, to the extent of the said "Cambridge
School Fund. "
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That William McKnight, A. Vic-
tor Neal, Arthur O. German, J. W. Corkran, W. Carl Bradley,
Clarence L. Saxton and Olin R. Higgins, all citizens of Dor-
chester County, State of Maryland, be and they are hereby
appointed a Committee to be known and designated as "Hur-
lock School Committee, " to serve without pay, who at their
first meeting to be held in not more than sixty days after
this Act becomes effective, shall select one of their number
as Chairman and one as Secretary and who shall keep a minute
of their proceedings; four of said Committee shall consti-
tute a quorum for the transaction of all business and in case
of a vacancy, or vacancies, in the Committee, caused by death,
resignation, refusal to serve, or otherwise, the remaining mem-
bers shall have power to fill such vacancy, or vacancies. The
said "Hurlock School Committee" shall decide whether to
erect a new school building on a site to be selected by it in or
near the corporate limits of Hurlock or to enlarge the ex-
isting building in said town; and shall procure plans and speci-
fications for the erection of such new building, or for the en-
largement of the present building, as it may decide, and may,
in its discretion, employ a skillful and competent architect
for the purpose of preparing such plans and specifications,
and for the purpose of supervising, under its direction and