of the town. Any person having an interest in the title to said
property may redeem the same within two years from the date
of said sale, by paying the entire sale price and interest at the
rate of one per cent per month from date of sale to date of
redemption, and if at the expiration of said two years, the said
property is not redeemed the Commissioners shall give a deed
to the purchaser, which deed shall convey a fee-simple title and
be prima facie evidence of the validity of all acts of the town
authorities leading up to said sale and deed. The taxes levied
by the said Commissioners are hereby declared to be a lien upon
all real estate in said town from the date of. their levy until
paid; as to personal property, the Treasurer shall make a list
of the taxes due and hand the same to the town Bailiff after the
first day of March of each year, who shall distrain upon said
property, or as much thereof as may be necessary as distraint
is now conducted in landlord and tenant proceedings except the
general order of the Treasurer to said Bailiff shall serve as a
SEC. 17. The County Commissioners of Prince George's
County are hereby directed to pay annually to the Commis-
sioners of Berwyn three-fourths of the total tax levied and col-
lected for road purposes from property within said town of
Berwyn, the money so received to be expended by said Com-
missioners for the repair and maintenance of the streets and
roads of said town.
SEC. 18. And for the purposes of determining whether the
citizens of Berwyn desire to incorporate there shall be held an
election on the first Monday in June, 1927, under the supervi-
sion and direction of the judges heretofore named for holding
the first election under this Charter and according to the pro-
visions of this Charter. The ballot shall contain the words
"For Incorporation" on one line and "Against Incorporation"
on the other line, with squares opposite each. At the closing
of the polls said judges shall canvass the vote and in the event
a majority of the votes cast are for incorporation this Act shall
become immediately effective, and in the event a majority of
the votes cast are against incorporation this Act shall not be
Approved April 1, 1927.