AN ACT to extend the limits of the Mayor and Common Coun-
cil of Hyattsville, a municipal corporation, by including
therein a part of Prince George's County contiguous thereto.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That there is hereby added to the territory of the
Mayor and Common Council of Hyattsville, all the adjacent
and contiguous territory in Prince George's County described
as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the northern line
of Avalon Avenue with the center of the Washington and Bal-
timore turnpike, (1) thence with center line of said turnpike
southerly, to its intersection with the southern line of River-
dale extended, (2) thence with said line easterly to the west
line of Riverdale, (3) thence northerly along the east line of
the Washington and Baltimore turnpike to the northernmost
point of Lot No. 1 in Block No. 51 of the Riverdale Park sub-
division (as the same is recorded in Liber J. W. B. No. 5,
folio 688 of the Land Records of Prince George's County),
(4) thence westerly to the place! of beginning.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That a public easement
in the State of Maryland be and the same is hereby reserved
in the bed of the roadway or street through the above described
territory, so far as the same may be necessary for the purposes
of said State Road as a public highway of the State of Mary-
land, and jurisdiction and control over said roadway or street
as a public highway, to the extent provided by the Laws of
Maryland, shall be exercised by the State Roads Commission,
or any official or officials, agent or agents of the State of Mary-
land, who may be assigned thereto, provided, that nothing
herein shall be taken or construed to deprive the Mayor and
Common Council of Hyattsville of police power over said road
or street.
Approved April 1, 1927.
AN ACT to authorize, empower and direct the Commissioners
of Denton to improve First Street, Second Street and Gay
Street and to assess the owners of abutting property to pay
part of the cost thereof; and to provide for the balance of the
cost of the construction thereof by borrowing upon the faith