clerks. In the event any judge or clerk after appointment is.
unable or declines to serve, the remaining judges shall name
some one to take his place. Suitable ballot boxes, polling places
and printed ballots shall be provided by the said Commissioners.
Any person desiring to become a candidate for any elective
office, shall at least ten days before election file, or cause to be
filed with the Commissioners, the Chairman or Clerk thereof,
a petition stating that he or she is a candidate for the office,
which petition must be signed by such person and endorsed
by at least five persons entitled to vote in the next town election.
Upon the filing of such petition the Commissioners shall print
such person's name on the ballot. Immediately upon the closing:
of the polls the ballots shall be publicly counted and the said
judges shall within two days thereafter make a true and correct
return of the votes so cast, in a sealed envelope, to the Chair-
man of the said Commissioners, and within ten days thereafter
said Commissioners shall meet and canvass said return and
declare those qualified persons receiving the highest number of
votes duly elected.
In the event that this Charter is adopted by the citizens of
Berwyn, under the provisions of the referendum contained
herein an election in the manner and form prescribed above
shall be held for three commissioners, one from each of the
districts, on the third Monday in June, 1927. For the purpose
of conducting such election Frank By er, M. E. Shipley and
Ervin R. Beardsley are hereby designated as judges and John
B. Gaylor and Roland Hazard are hereby named as clerks, and
for the purposes of such election and the referendum herein-
after provided for, the above named judges shall have the au-
thority conferred upon the Commissioners.
Immediately after such election the said judges shall canvass
the votes and declare the one person from each district receiving
the highest number of votes duly elected Commissioner, and the
persons so elected shall serve until the third Monday in May,
In the event of a tie in the election of any persons to office
under this Charter the person elected shall be determined by
lot or drawing to be regulated by the Commissioners.
SEC. 7. The Commissioners elected shall hold office for a
period of two years from the third Monday in May, except as
hereinabove provided for, and any vacancy by death, resigna-
tion, removal or otherwise from the Town of Berwyn, shall be
filled by a special election to be held after ten days notice, the