County assessments for all purposes, and any taxes so levied
shall be a lien on any and all property of the person, company
or corporation against whom they may be levied, and the taxes
for each year are payable on the first day of July nest suc-
ceeding the levy thereof, and will be in arrears and subject to
interest at the rate of six per cent, from and after the first
day of October next succeeding the levy thereof. Provided,
however, that in the year 1927 the said taxes shall become
payable on the first day of November, 1927. It shall be the
duty of the Clerk of the said town as soon as said taxes are
payable to give notice by advertisement in one newspaper pub-
lished in the County and proceed to the collection of said taxes
in compliance with the laws for collection of taxes enacted by
the State Legislature for the collection of State and County
taxes in Prince George's County. Provided, that no tax, as-
sessment, license or permit shall be levied or charged by the
Mayor and Town Council except as are provided for in this
SEC. 19. And be it further enacted. That the Mayor and
Council shall have full power to control and protect public
property owned by the town of Colmar Manor, whether within
or outside of said town.
SEC. 20. And be it further enacted, That if this bill is
rejected by the vote of the people as provided for herein at
the first election it may be resubmitted to the vote of the peo-
ple as provided for herein each succeeding year for two con-
secutive years or until it is accepted by the vote of the people.
SEC. 21. And be it further enacted, That for the purpose
of determining whether the citizens of the proposed town of
Colmar Manor desire to incorporate, there shall be held an
election thirty days after the passage of this bill by the State
Legislature of Maryland, and Messrs. R. N. Moreland, C. J.
Dorr, and H. C. Johnson are hereby appointed a committee
for the purpose of holding said election and declaring the
result thereof. Not less than ten days before said election,
they shall post in five or more public places within the pro-
posed boundaries of said town notices notifying the citizens
of said town who are qualified under this act to vote, that
there will be held on said day at a certain place and between
certain hours an election to determine whether said citizens
will adopt this charter. The said committee shall provide