ballot boxes, booths, and ballots which shall contain the words
"For incorporation" on one line and "Against incorporation"
on another line, with squares opposite each. Such election
shall be conducted as nearly as practicable as an election for
County officers in said county. Said committee shall appoint
three judges and two clerks, or they may themselves serve as
judges and appoint two clerks, who shall conduct said election,
and upon the closing of said polls shall canvass said vote
publicly and publicly announce the results of said canvass.
In the event of a majority of said voters being for incorpora-
tion, this charter shall become immediately operative and
thereupon the same committee within 30 days after the charter
becomes operative, shall hold an election for Mayor, Clerk,
Treasurer, and four Councilmen, as hereinbefore provided for.
For the purpose of election to determine whether or not the
powers hereinbefore mentioned shall be granted to the citizens
of the proposed town of Colmar Manor, all citizens twenty-
one years of age or over, who reside within the limits of the
said district, shall be qualified to vote at said election, and
the committee above named shall have the power to appoint
two of its members for the purpose of registration of said
citizens and who shall have for this purpose all the powers
of registration officers for any election in Prince George's
SEC. 22. And be it further enacted, That this Act is here-
by declared to be an emergency law and necessary for the im-
mediate preservation of the public safety and health, and
being passed upon a yea and nay vote supported by three-
fifths of all members elected to each of the two Houses of the
General Assembly, the same shall take effect from the date of
Approved April 1, 1927.
AN ACT to incorporate the Town of Berwyn, in Prince
George's County, Maryland, to provide for the government
thereof and to provide for the determination by referendum
to the citizens thereof as to whether or not this Act shall
become effective.