said advertising, to be paid out of the fund provided by this
Act, as the Mayor and Council shall determine, and the said
Mayor and Council shall, in all cases, award the contract for
such work to the lowest responsible bidder therefor, reserving
at all times the right to reject any and all bids received. All
contractors for such street improvements shall give bond in
such sum as the Mayor and Council shall require, with suffi-
cient surety or sureties, to be approved by the Mayor and
Council, for the faithful performance of their contract. The
Mayor and Council shall employ a competent engineer at such
compensation as may bo determined by them in carrying out
the objects of this Act.
SEC. 15. And be it further enacted. That the Mayor and
Council shall have the same power as the State Board of
Health, within the boundaries of the said town. They may
adopt and provide an efficient system of drainage; they may
adopt suitable measures for the removal of garbage and sewage,
and fix the amount to be paid therefor.
SEC. 16. And be it further enacted, That all mads, streets,
avenues, or alleys, which are now or shall hereafter be shown,
on any plat or addition to the platted part of said town, as
public highways, and accepted by the Mayor and Council as
such, are hereby made and declared to be public streets, ave-
nues, and alleys of said town, and shall be from time to time
improved and repaired as the public interest may require and
the resources of the town justify.
SEC. 17. And be it further enacted, That the County Com-
missioners of Prince George's County, Maryland, shall annu-
ally pay over to the Clerk of the said town of Colmar Manor,
three-fourths of that proportion of the entire taxes levied for
roads and bridges imposed upon the assessable property with-
in the boundaries of the said town of Colmar Manor by the
County Commissioners of Prince George's County, to be ex-
pended upon the streets, roads, avenues, and alleys of the town
as the Mayor and Council may see fit.
SEC. 18. And be it further enacted, That the Mayor and
Council is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to levy
and cause to be collected annually taxes at the rate of 25 cents
or less on each $100. 00 of the assessed valuation of the real
and personal property in said town based on the State and