sidewalks, curbs, gutters and street improvements, said funds
to be turned over to the Treasurer of said town by the Clerk,
and the Treasurer of said town shall be charged with the safe
keeping thereof, and said funds shall be kept as a separate
account and fund, and no part thereof shall ever be used for
any other purpose than to liquidate the certificates of indebted-
ness, and interest thereon, issued for sidewalks, curbs, gutters
and roadbed and street improvements, which certificates when
paid shall be cancelled and properly kept and filed among the
papers of said town, a record of which certificates thus can-
celled shall be entered upon a book kept for the purpose afore-
said; and the Treasurer of said Town shall be bonded in amount
equal to the amount of money borrowed by the Town and the
Clerk of said Town, for the purposes, of this Act, shall be
bonded in amount left to the discretion of the Mayor and
SEC. 13. When the Mayor and Common Council shall have
determined to make sidewalks, curbs, gutters or roadbed and
street improvements, or all or any in any street in said town,
they shall thereupon notify, as far as practicable, each property
owner upon said street proposed to be improved, by deposit-
ing said notice in the United States Post Office addressed to
such owner's last known address, and publish notice: thereof in
the next succeeding issue of one or more of the papers having
general circulation within the Town of Colmar Manor, setting
forth that on a certain day to be named therein, the Mayor
and Council will meet and notify said owners to appear at
said meeting and express their views upon the question or
show cause, if any there be, why the said improvements should
not be made, and the decision made by the Mayor and Council
at this meeting shall be final and conclusive; provided, how-
ever, that no improvement shall be made under this Act on
any street without the consent of fifty-one per centum of the
front foot abutting property owners affected on the street which
it is proposed to improve.
SEC. 14. The Mayor and Council are hereby authorized
to make such sidewalks, curbs, gutters, roadbed and street
improvements as determined by them in accordance with the
previous section, and where work is done under contract the
Mayor and Council shall invite proposals for said work by
advertisement for two weeks in some news-paper having gen-
eral circulation in Colmar Manor, at such reasonable cost for