the needs of said street, and shall assess, at any time as the
said Mayor and Council shall deem proper and after ten days'
notice to the owners, upon the land abutting said improve-
ments the cost thereof, street and public alley intersections to
be assessed against the property owners half way down each
square, which assessments for sidewalks, curbs, gutters or road-
bed and street improvements, or for all or any, shall be a lien
upon such abutting property and shall be payable all cash, or
in not more than ten equal annual instalments beginning one
year from the date of said assessment, with interest the rate
of six per centum per annum, and the: person assessed or any
one on his behalf shall at any time have the right to anticipate
by payment of all instalments of. the assessment not then due,
and any assessment or part thereof remaining due and unpaid
shall be enforced as a tax and upon neglect or refusal to pay
the amount so assessed and expended, the amount may be col-
lected from said owners by suit before a justice of the peace
or the circuit court and the judgment of such court shall be-
come a first lien upon such properties. The Mayor and Coun-
cil shall have power to make all necessary regulations as to the
notice of assessments to property owners made under this sec-
tion. They shall have full power to provide for such fines,
penalties and punishment for the breach of its ordinances as
it may think proper. The Justice of the Peace may impose
such fines or penalties for the breach of such ordinances and
in default of payment he may commit the offender to confine-
ment for a period of not more than thirty days in the County
SEC. 12. To effectuate the improvements named in the
preceding section, the Mayor and Council of Colmar Manor
are hereby authorized and empowered to borrow from time
to time on the credit of the town a sum or sums of money,
not to exceed at any time eight per centum of the assessed
valuation of the real property of the Town of Colmar Manor;
to issue certificates of indebtedness therefor, which shall be
payable within ten years from the date of issuance, with
interest not to exceed the rate of six per centum per annum.
payable annually, unless of shorter duration, then at the ma-
turity of said obligation; and the Treasurer of the town is
charged with the custody of any moneys received from the
issues of sale of said certificates of indebtedness as above men-
tioned. The Clerk of said town shall be charged with the
prompt collection of the moneys arising from assessment for