time of said payment, however, it shall give its corporate un-
dertaking to abide by and fulfill any judgment on such appeal
or further proceedings.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, that whenever the plans
and specifications for said sewerage and storm-water drain-
age systems for said town have been completed and said Com-
missioners of Delmar shall have decided, after opportunity
for a hearing has been given, to proceed with the construc-
tion thereof, they shall advertise by notice in such newspapers
or technical press as they may deem proper, for bids for the
construction of said system or systems, in part or as a whole,
as in their judgment may appear advisable. The contract
shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder, or the Commis-
sioners of Delmar may reject any and all bids, and if, in their
discretion, the prices quoted are unreasonable, they may re-
advertise the work or any part of it, or may do any part or
all of the work by day labor; provided that at any time the
Commissioners of Delmar may, in their discretion, expend by
day labor for construction an amount not exceeding $1, 000. 00
without advertising or receiving bids. The Commissioners of
Delmar may, however, purchase the necessary pipe, valves, or
such like equipment as in their discretion they deem it advis-
able, and may advertise, as aforesaid, for bids for the construc-
tion, alteration and extension of any other units, in part or
as a whole, using such equipment as in their judgment may
be deemed advisable. All such contracts may be protected by
such bonds, penalties and conditions as the Commissioners
of Delmar shall require, all of which shall be enforceable in
any Court having jurisdiction.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, that said Commissioners
of Delmar shall provide for each and every property abutting
upon a street or right of way in which, under this Act, a sani-
tary sewer is laid, a sewer connection which shall be extended,
as required, from the sewer to the property line of the abutting
lot, said connection to be constructed by and at the sole expense
of said Commissioners of Delmar. When any sanitary sewer is
declared by said Commissioners of Delmar complete and ready
for the reception of sewage, every abutting property owner,
after due notice, shall make connection of all toilets and waste
drains, except rain leaders, with said sewer within a time pre-
scribed by said Commissioners of Delmar. Where the afore-
said fixtures do not exist, or are of a nature which, in the
judgment of the Commissioners of Delmar, is improper or in-
adequate, satisfactory equipment shall be installed. All cess-
pools, sink-drains and privies shall be abandoned and left in
such a way that they cannot again be used or injuriously affect