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Session Laws, 1927
Volume 569, Page 26   View pdf image (33K)
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urer of the Commissioners of Delmar, and the bond of said
Treasurer shall be responsible for the safe-keeping of said bonds
and the proceeds arising from the sale thereof. The Commis-
sioners of Delmar shall sell said bonds at public auction or by
sealed bids, after giving at least two weeks' public notice thereof
in one or more newspapers published in Wicomico County, and
in one or more newspapers published in the City of Baltimore,
at such times and in such amounts as the Commissioners of Del-
mar may deem advisable, reserving the right and privilege to
said Commissioners of Delmar to reject any or all bids. The
said Treasurer of the Commissioners of Delmar shall deliver
said bonds so sold to the purchaser or purchasers thereof and
and receive the money therefor, including any premiums there-
on. The money arising from the sale of said bonds shall be kept
as a separate fund by the Treasurer of the Commissioners of
Delmar, to be exclusively used for the purposes of this Act; and
all taxes, charges and assessments levied and collected, as 'herein-
after provided for the payment of the principal and interest
of said bonds, shall be likewise kept as a separate fund by said

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, that the Commissioners
of Delmar, in addition to the powers already possessed by them,
shall have the right and power to acquire by gift, purchase,
lease or condemnation any land, improvements, rights of way,
stream-beds, water-ways or any other property, of any kind
whatsoever, either in fee or as an easement, within Wicomico
County, whether used for private purposes or already devoted
to a public or quasi-public use, or any interest there in or
any franchise connected therewith, for the construction, ex-
tension and maintenance of said sewerage and storm-water
drainage systems, or for any sewage disposal plant, or for any
other purpose in connection with the sewerage and storm-water
drainage systems of the town of Delmar, and whenever re-
sort shall be had to condemnation proceedings, the proceedings
shall be as provided by Article 33-A, of the Annotated Code
of Maryland, regulating the procedure for the acquisition of
property for public use by condemnation, and all the rights,
powers and privileges conferred by said Article relating to
the condemnation of property for public use are hereby ex-
pressly conferred upon and vested in the Commissioners of
Delmar. At any time after ten days following the return and
recordation of the verdict or award in said proceedings, the
Commissioners of Delmar may enter and take possession of the
property so condemned, upon first paying to the Clerk of the
Circuit Court for Wicomico County the amount of said award
and all costs taxed to date, notwithstanding any appeal or
further proceeding upon the part of the defendant. At the


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Session Laws, 1927
Volume 569, Page 26   View pdf image (33K)
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