1686 VETOES.
extra compensation for those who are required to work more
than eight hours.
The eight-hour day has been introduced in the penal institu-
tions by the Board of Welfare as far as practicable. There
are, however, some guards who are required to work longer
than eight hours, because of the necessity of being with the
prisoners under their supervision not only while the prisoners
are at work, but also while they are either at meals or going to
or from their cells. It is considered bad policy to change
guards while the prisoners under them are out of their cells.
The Board of Welfare has been trying to work out this situa-
tion so as to pay an additional compensation to such guards
as have to work more than eight hours, and the Board expects
to be able to do this when the increased appropriation allowed
by the present budget becomes available. In view of this fact,
and also because the subject seems to me one for the Board
rather than for legislation, this bill will be vetoed.
Senate Bill No. 111 (Ch. 600) provides that no persons
should be eligible for employment in the penal institutions
unless they are registered voters of the State of Maryland.
At present all employees in these institutions are voters, and
it is the Board of Welfare's policy always to employ voters
whenever that is practical. This makes it easy for the Board
to investigate the qualifications of those in their employ. At
the same time, it is possible that the occasion may some time
arise when the Board would desire to employ someone who is
not at the time a voter in this State. It does not seem to me
that the power to do this, should it become necessary, ought
to be denied by statute, and, accordingly, I am vetoing this bill.
(Chapter 685)
This bill provides for the discharge of liens under the
Mechanics' Lien Law, by payment into court or by the giving
of a bond.
It is apparent that the bill was hastily drawn, and from
the advice I have secured I believe it would be certain to
result in a good deal of litigation. Some of the provisions are
more or less vague and uncertain. In addition to all this, the
bill seems to have been introduced as a companion measure to