House Bill No. 146 (Ch. 324), providing a lien for materials,
and I am vetoing that bill. For these reasons, Senate Bill No.
419 will be vetoed.
(Chapter 697)
Under the present law mine foremen, assistant mine fore-
men and fire bosses, who were acting in such capacities on
October 1, 1922, received service certificates, which enabled
them to continue their work without taking any examination
for five years, or until October 1, 1927. They were supposed
to qualify themselves and take examinations under the law
during this time.
Some failed to do so and the purpose of this bill is to give
such persons a further extension of their service certificates
until June 1, 1932. I see no reason at all for this. These men
have had over four years in which to take their examinations
and they can still attend the summer school and take the
examinations, which will be held next August.
The bill will be vetoed.
Senate Bill No. 57 (Ch. 642) requires the payment of taxes
on personal property before issuing tags.
The Legislature passed two bills on this subject, Senate Bill
No. 57 and House Bill No. 249 (Ch. 707). 'The Senate bill
provides for separate assessment books for automobiles, which
would require a considerable increase in administrative work
both in Baltimore City and in the counties. This bill also
provides that in order to secure the tag it shall only be neces-
sary to pay the taxes on the particular automobile in question.
This is contrary to what has been the practice for several years
in Baltimore City, and the House bill continues this practice,
so far as Baltimore City is concerned, while allowing the tag
to be issued in the counties upon the payment of taxes on the
particular automobile. There is, therefore, practically no dif-
ference between the two bills so far as the counties are con-
cerned, and I am signing House Bill No. 249 in order that