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Session Laws, 1927
Volume 569, Page 1678   View pdf image (33K)
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1678 VETOES.


(Chapter 509)

House Bill No. 565 amends the charter of Mt. Rainier,
Prince George's County.

The present law provides a maximum tax for Mt. Rainier
of forty cents (40c).

This bill repeals and re-enacts a prior law, which was itself
repealed, and the effect would be to restore the old maximum
tax of twenty cents (20c), which is not desired, and which
would not enable the town to meet its necessary expenses.

While other provisions in the bill are desirable, I am advised
that the restoration of the twenty cent (20c) tax makes it
essential to veto the bill, which will accordingly be done.


(Chapter 512)

House Bill No. 587 requires public service corporations to
state on their customer's bill the quantity of service rendered,
the rate of charge and the minimum or service charge. I do
not see any necessity for this measure. The Public Service
Commission has the power to make these or like requirements
should there be any occasion therefor. Accordingly, I am
vetoing this bill.

(Chapter 521)

House Bill No. 700 relates to the publication of annual state-
ments by the County Commissioners of Anne Arundel County.

This bill re-enacts a provision of the general law and con-
flicts with another bill which was previously passed at this ses-
sion and which has.already been approved. For this reason
it will be vetoed.


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Session Laws, 1927
Volume 569, Page 1678   View pdf image (33K)
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