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Session Laws, 1927
Volume 569, Page 1677   View pdf image (33K)
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(Chapter 409)

House Bill No. 458 exempts the property of volunteer fire
companies in Prince George's County from local taxation and
assessments. I do not understand this to be the law in other
counties, and it seems to me that if there is to be legislation on
the subject it ought to be uniform. For this reason the bill
be vetoed.


(Chapter 455)

Senate Bill No. 392 amends the Charter of Rock Hall in
Kent County. This bill will be vetoed because, through error,
it purports to amend a law which does not exist.


(Chapter 478)

House Bill No. 336 prohibits the payment of informers' fees
except in cases under the fish and game laws and for offenses
at common law.

I feel that the application and effect of this Section may not
have been sufficiently considered and examined, and am veto-
ing the bill for this reason.


(Chapter 486)

House Bill No. 22 repeals the present law, making it unlaw-
ful to open wrongfully letters and packages. The Federal
Law covers this situation so far as letters in the mail are con-
cerned, but I see no reason for repealing the law which pro-
hibits the wrongful opening of letters and packages which may
be delivered otherwise than through the mails. The bill will
be vetoed.


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Session Laws, 1927
Volume 569, Page 1677   View pdf image (33K)
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