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Session Laws, 1927
Volume 569, Page 1676   View pdf image (33K)
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1676 VETOES.


(Chapter 367)

House Bill No. 348 makes it unlawful for any person to
buy or sell tobacco in Anne Arundel, Calvert and Prince
George's Counties, except between two hours after sunrise and
an hour before sunset.

The purpose of this bill apparently was to prevent the steal-
ing of tobacco between the hours, named. After conferring
with the State Tobacco Inspector, I can see no necessity for it
at all, and, accordingly, the bill will be vetoed.


(Chapter 375)

House Bill N.o. 385 directs the State Veterinary Medical
Board to register Daniel B. Boone as a veterinarian.

I am advised that Mr. Boone has endeavored for some time
to secure a certificate, but that he does not measure up to the
qualifications prescribed by the law. This law has been in
effect a good many years, and I see no reason for directing
the board to register anyone except in accordance with its pro-
visions. For this reason the bill will be vetoed.


House Bill No. 126 (Chapter 378) provides that no non-
resident shall act as committee or trustee of a person non com-
pos mentis unless there be appointed also a resident committee
or trustee, and House Bill No. 128 (Chapter 712) provides
that no non-resident shall be appointed administrator of a de-
ceased person unless there be appointed also a resident admin-

There does not seem to me to be any necessity for a hard
and fast rule on this subject, and I think it may properly be
left to the courts. For this reason both bills will be vetoed.


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Session Laws, 1927
Volume 569, Page 1676   View pdf image (33K)
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