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Session Laws, 1927
Volume 569, Page 1675   View pdf image (33K)
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ernor if necessary, and not by a statute changing the Board's
organization, unle'ss such statute contains other provisions
which are desirable.

The bill does not seem to me to contain such other desirable
provisions. At present the expenses of the Board are met
through fees, and the total annual expenditures are about

Senate Bill No. 16 places the Board on a salary basis with
each member receiving $1,500, and a secretary and inspector
1,000 each. In order to meet these increased expenses, the
initial charge for certificates is raised from $25 to $35, and for
renewal certificates from $10 to $25.

All of the other licensing and examining boards pay their
expenses through their fees, and I see no reason for putting
this Board upon a salary basis at an increased cost of at least
$2,000 or $3,000, nor do I see any reason for increasing the
amounts charged electricians for their certificates and renewals.
For these reasons I am vetoing the bill.


(Chapter 339)

Senate Bill No. 137 exempts fair associations in Wicomico
County from local taxes for fifteen years.

The Supplemental Budget contains an additional appropria-
tion to the fair associations of the State, and I am advised
that the portion of this which will be allotted to the association
in Wicomico County will meet the need which was the purpose
of this bill. Accordingly, I will veto it.


(Chapter 364)

House Bill No. 357 regulates the sale of oleomargarine. The
State Department of Health advises me that this bill does not
make any substantial improvements in the present law, and
that it is best for the present law to remain as it is. I will,
therefore, veto this bill.


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Session Laws, 1927
Volume 569, Page 1675   View pdf image (33K)
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