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Session Laws, 1927
Volume 569, Page 1674   View pdf image (33K)
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1674 VETOES.

true, there is no need for the lien. In any event, I know of
nothing which has occurred to necessitate or justify the restora-
tion of a lien which had such serious consequences when it

I do not believe that it would operate beneficially for the
supply men themselves. It did not before and I do not think
it would now. If the bill was signed, I am convinced that the
time would come when the supply men themselves would insist
on its repeal again.

At all events, I cannot assume the responsibility of restor-
ing a lien which in every likelihood would have the detrimental
economic consequences to building conditions and home owners
in Baltimore City which this lien concededly had when it was
in force.

The bill will be vetoed.



(Chapter 330)

Senate Bill No. 16 relates to the appointment of the State
Board of Electrical Examiners and Supervisors.

Under the present law, this Board consists of five members,
two nominated by the Electrical Contractors Association, one
by the City of Baltimore, one by the Association of Fire
Underwriters and one to be selected bv the Governor. Senate

Bill No. 16 reduces the Board to three members, one to be
nominated by the Association of Fire Underwriters and the
other two to be practical master electricians or electrical engi-
neers, and to be selected by the Governor.

The bill seems to be the result of criticism that the present
Board is too much in the control of the electrical contractors,
and is not sufficiently fair and liberal in permitting deserving
applicants to pass the examinations and receive certificates.

This is a difficult matter to determine, although I am in-
clined to believe that in some cases at least there is foundation
for the criticism. It is, however, of the greatest importance
that only thoroughly qualified persons should be permitted
to install electrical wiring apparatus, and to the extent that the
criticism has merit, I think that the situation ought to be
remedied by the Board itself after a conference with the Gov-


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Session Laws, 1927
Volume 569, Page 1674   View pdf image (33K)
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