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Session Laws, 1927
Volume 569, Page 1673   View pdf image (33K)
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The present law gives the School Board of the State power
to do this, but in no county is it made obligatory. The State
Department of Education thinks the proposed bill embodies
an unsound policy, and that it is best to leave the subject to
the discretion of the local school authorities. For this reason
the bill will be vetoed.

(Chapter 287)

House Bill No. 259 requires the Baltimore City Police to
take the school census between September 10th and 30th each
year instead of between November 10th and 30th each year.

The Police Commissioner advises me that the police are
unusually Busy with the voters' census during the first half of
September and that the full school attendance is not secured
until later in the fall.

For these reasons it seems best to continue taking the school
census in November, as at present, and the bill will be vetoed.


(Chapter 324)

This bill provides a lien for materials in Baltimore City.
The supply men are in the main in favor of it, and it is op-
posed in the main by the building associations, the banks, the
real estate men, a large number of home builders and others.

A good deal has been said on both sides, and I would feel
disposed to accept the judgment of the Legislature on the sub-
ject were it not for my knowledge of the unfortunate conditions
in Baltimore City which resulted from this lien when it for-
merly existed there and which led the supply men themselves
to advocate its repeal thirty years ago.

The lien may work satisfactorily in the counties and in other
States, but in Baltimore City it undoubtedly contributed mate-
rially to depreciation in property values and led to bonus
ground rents and irresponsible bonus builders and to the loss
of innocent home owners.

It is said that these conditions would not recur, because home
building is now in the hands of responsible people. If that be


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Session Laws, 1927
Volume 569, Page 1673   View pdf image (33K)
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