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Session Laws, 1927
Volume 569, Page 1667   View pdf image (33K)
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NO. 31.

A Joint Resolution requesting action to eliminate existing dis-
crimination in gas rates against residents of Montgomery
County, Maryland.

WHEREAS, The Montgomery County Civic Federation has
unanimously adopted a resolution pointing out that residents
of Montgomery County, Maryland, are now required to pay
twenty-three cents per thousand cubic feet more for gas manu-
factured in the District of Columbia than residents of the
District of Columbia are required to pay for the same gas; and

WHEREAS, This differential is a manifest discrimination
against such Maryland gas-users, effected through the means
of paper subsidiary companies owned by the District of Co-
lumbia company manufacturing and selling such gas, and
which subsidiary companies are useful only as vehicles of dip-
crimination against residents of Maryland; and

WHEREAS, All remedies provided by existing Maryland
laws have been exhausted without securing relief; therefore
be it

Resolved by the Senate and House of Delegates of Mary-
land , That the Attorney General of the State and the Public

Service Commission of Maryland be and they are hereby au-

thorized and directed to investigate the situation herein set
forth, and to co-operate with the proper authorities of the Fed-
eral Government, either legislative or executive, to the end
that effective action may be secured to remove the said discrim-
ination; and the Attorney General and the Public Service Com-
mission are hereby designated as the representatives of the
State of Maryland for such purpose.

Approved April 26, 1927.

NO. 32.

A Joint Resolution authorizing and empowering the Governor
to name a commission to investigate the general problem of
motor vehicle accidents and losses, and especially the prob-
lem presented by the so-called "hit andj run" driver; and to
report thereon to the Governor and the General Assembly.


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Session Laws, 1927
Volume 569, Page 1667   View pdf image (33K)
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