Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That a por-
trait of the Honorable Albert C. Ritchie be made and hung
in an appropriate place in the State House; and be it further
Resolved, That the Governor be and he is hereby requested to
include in the Budget to be submitted to the General Assembly
in 1929 one thousand ($1,000) dollars for this purpose.
Approved April 26, 1927.
NO. 30.
A Joint Resolution requesting the Hon. Albert C. Ritchie,
Governor of Maryland, to be a candidate for the Presidency
of the United States.
WHEREAS, The present progress and prosperity of America
and the initiative and happiness of her people have been
fostered and promoted by the system of local self-government
established by the founders of our country; and
WHEREAS, Certain influences are now endeavoring with
some measure of success to destroy this system and the self-
reliance and liberty which flourish under it; and
WHEREAS, Maryland, in the person of Governor Albert C.
Ritchie has the outstanding champion of these principles, a
man who, regardless of political consequences, has forcefully,
courageously and intelligently advocated throughout the coun-
try a return to them; and
WHEREAS, His views on these matters have attracted the
attention of the nation and placed him in the front rank of
those available for the Presidency of the United States; now,
therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Honorable Albert C. Ritchie, Governor of Maryland, be and
he is hereby petitioned and requested to become a candidate
for the Presidency of the United States.
Approved April 26, 1927.