WHEREAS, Ocean City is Maryland's only seashore resort,
where thousands of citizens from Baltimore and all parts of
Maryland reside during the summer and large numbers go
for week-end outings for health and rest, being recognized by
health authorities as one of the best health resorts for bathing
on the Atlantic Coast, and is easily reached by concrete roads
from all the Eastern States; and
WHEREAS, Citizens of Ocean City have donated for the pur-
pose six building lots on the ocean front and Baltimore avenue
and six building lots on Baltimore avenue and Maryland ave-
nue, extending to the Maryland Highway; therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Governor be and he is hereby requested to prepare at once and
submit to the General Assembly a supplementary budget au-
thorizing the appropriation of Fifteen Thousand Dollars
($15,000.00) for building and furnishing a cottage on said
land at Ocean City, for the use of the Governor of Maryland
as a summer home.
Approved April 26, 1927.
NO. 29
A Joint Resolution relative to a portrait of the Honorable
Albert C. Ritchie, Governor of Maryland.
WHEREAS, The Honorable Albert C. Ritchie has filled the
office of Governor of the State so efficiently and satisfactorily
that he has thrice been elected to that high office, being the
only person who has ever been re-elected Governor of Maryland,
each time being re-elected by an increasingly large majority;
WHEREAS, It is but fitting and proper that recognition should
be given to the great services he has rendered the State; there-
fore, as a slight token of the appreciation and regard in which
the members of the General Assembly of Maryland hold him,
be it