establishment or conducting of any of the enterprises or
business above set forth.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the County Commissioners of Montgomery
County are hereby authorized, directed and empowered to in-
spect, license, regulate and/or limit as to location within the
limits of Montgomery County any place of public amusement,
or recreation, pleasure parks, picnic grounds, club house,
theatrical exhibitions, baseball grounds, bowling alleys, billiard
or pool-rooms, or camp-meeting grounds, grave yards, sani-
tariums, hospitals, homes for the aged, private educational
institutions, orphan asylums, homes for children, and con-
valescent homes, signs, or sign boards, roadside stands or estab-
lishments; and in order to safeguard the public health, safety,
morals and/or welfare, to pass rules, regulations or ordinances
for the purpose of carrying out the powers herein granted;
provided that such rules, regulations or ordinances shall con-
tain proper standards for the exercise of the discretion con-
ferred herein, shall operate uniformly, and that before the
County Commissioners shall proceed to enforce any rule, reg-
ulation or ordinance passed in pursuance of the provisions of
this Act, advertisement of such rule, regulation or ordinance
shall be made in some newspaper published in Montgomery
County, once in four successive weeks, before any rule, regu-
lation or ordinance so passed shall be enforced, provided that
the power of the County Commissioners to license, regulate
or limit Club Houses shall not apply to the Club Houses of
Country Clubs which were in existence and operation on Jan-
uary 1, 1927, and which on that date had a public or private
list of fifty or more bona-fide members paying dues and which
on that date maintained on the club premises at least two of
the following athletic facilities for their membership, to wit:
1. A golf course of nine holes or more.
2. Two or more tennis courts, or
3. A swimming pool not less than 40 feet in length and 20
feet in width.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted. That it shall be unlaw-
ful for any person, persons, house, company, association or
body corporate to operate, set up, establish or conduct any
business or enterprise mentioned in Section 1 of this Act, un-