SEC. 23. That James E. Lanhan, Herbert Ashby, and
Amalie L. Howe are hereby appointed Judges and David W.
Close and Charles Kees are hereby appointed Clerks of Elec-
tion to be held on the first Monday of April, 1927, for the pur-
pose of ratifying or rejecting this Charter. Should said Char-
ter be adopted at said election then and in that event, the above
named persons shall constitute the Board of Election Super-
visors provided for herein and shall discharge the duties of
said Board, as provided in this Act, until such time as their
successors shall have been duly appointed and qualified. Such
election shall be conducted according to the provisions of this
Act and the General Election Laws.
Approved April 26, 1927.
AN ACT to add a new section to Article 56 of the Annotated
Code of Maryland, title "Licenses," sub-title "Motor Ve-
hicles," said new section to be known as Section 184, and
to follow immediately after Section 183, the same author-
izing and directing the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles to
refuse to issue any marker, certificate of registration or title
for any motor vehicle owned in Baltimore County, unless
taxes in arrears thereon have been paid.
AN ACT to authorize, direct and empower the County Com-
missioners of Montgomery County, to inspect, license, regu-
late or limit as to location within the limits of Montgomery
County any place of public amusement, or recreation, pleas-
ure parks, picnic grounds, club houses, theatrical exhibi-
tions, baseball grounds, bowling alleys, billiard or pool-
room, or camp-meeting ground, grave yards, sanitariums,
hospitals, homes for the aged, homes for children, private
educational institutions, orphan asylums, and convalescent
homes, signs or sign boards, roadside stands, or establish-
ments, and to make rules, regulations, or ordinances for the