and pay not less than One Hundred Dollars to be imposed and
collected as other fines.
SEC. 21. In all cases where municipal work of any char-
acter is to be done within the limits of said town and the esti-
mate cost of said work shall exceed the sum of Two Hundred
Dollars., the Mayor and Town Council shall invite proposals
for said work by advertisement published at least once a week
for two successive weeks prior to the date on which the pro-
posals are to be submitted in some newspaper published in
Prince George's County, and the contract for such work shall
in all cases be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, the
Mayor and Town Council, however, reserving in all such cases
the right at all times to reject any or all bids so received or
submitted. The successful bidder shall give bond with surety
which shall be acceptable to the Mayor and Town Council for
the faithful performance of his contract.
SEC. 22. The Mayor and Town Council shall have power
to provide by ordinance suitable punishment for the making,
selling, offering to sell, or keeping for sale any intoxicating
liquor of any kind in the limits of said town.
That this Charter should not become effective unless it shall
be submitted to the qualified voters living within the pre-
scribed limits of this town and accepted by a majority of said
voters at an election held for this purpose on the first Monday
of May, 1927. Provided, further, that said election shall be
on the said date at such poll and place as shall be provided by
the Clerks and Judges hereinafter named; between the hours
of one and seven P. M., and the manner of submission shall be
that on the ballots at this election shall be printed the words
"For Incorporation," with the blank square opposite at the
right and the words "Against Incorporation," with the blank
square opposite at the right, and all qualified voters desiring to
vote for the provisions of this Act shall place a cross-mark
(X) in the square opposite the words "For Incorporation,"
and all qualified voters desiring to vote against the provisions
of this Act shall place a cross-mark (X) in the square opposite
the words "Against Incorporation."
If at such election a greater number of persons shall vote
"For Incorporation" than shall vote "Against Incorporation,"
then the provisions of the foregoing sections shall become oper-