SEC. 18. The Mayor and Town Council may pass ordi-
nances for the prevention of fire and may provide for suitable
apparatus for the purpose of preventing, checking, or fighting
fire, and may assign the duty of Fire Marshal to the person
who is appointed as Supervisor, and may enact such ordinances
as are necessary to provide equipment and to provide for the
management, control and operation of any and all fire equip-
ment in the possession of the town. And the Mayor and Town
Council may appropriate funds for the support of a volunteer
fire company located within the limits of said town, provided
the control of the expenditure of said fund is in the hands of
the Mayor and Town Council, and provided that whatever ap-
paratus is bought therewith shall be the property of the town.
SEC. 19. The Mayor and Town Council shall not expend in
any one fiscal year more money than the amount receivable
from taxes and other sources during that year. The Mayor
and Town Council may from time to time borrow money for
the use of the town and issue therefor bonds, notes or other
obligations of the town, loan amount not exceeding as principal
a sum of Ten Thousand Dollars of outstanding indebtedness
at any one time, the same to bear such rate of interest and to
be payable or renewable in such manner as the Mayor and
Town Council may agree; provided, further, that no such
money shall be so borrowed on either notes, bonds, or other
obligations unless the issue of said bonds, notes or obligations
shall have first been submitted to the vote of the majority of
the votes cast, and such question may be so submitted to the
voter's either at any regular election or any special election
called for that purpose by the Mayor and Town Council in ac-
cordance with the provisions herein provided for holding other
elections. Provided, further, that the Mayor and Town Coun-
cil shall authorize and be required to create and maintain a
sinking fund for the payment of any loans so made to the
SEC. 20. All fines collected by the Justice of the Peace for
offenses growing out of violation of town ordinances shall be
paid to the Town Treasurer every thirty days, and such allow-
ances as are made out of said fines to the town bailiffs shall be
made on the order of the Mayor and Council as other moneys
are paid out of the town treasury. Any Justice of the Peace
failing to perform his duty as herein provided or failing to
account for town moneys coming into his hands, shall be fined