SEC. 12. That the style of all ordinances shall be: "Be
it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and Town Council of
Maryland Park." The Mayor and Town Council may pass
ordinances for the establishment of building lines and build-
ing regulations for the regulation or prohibition of the dis-
charge of fire-crackers, torpedoes, and other explosives; for
preventing swine, cattle, fowls, dogs or other animals from
running at large on the streets, for the prevention and sup-
pression of gambling, vice, or immorality, and they may pass
such ordinances as shall be necessary and proper for the
preservation of the health of the town and removal of nuis-
ances, and prohibit all business within the corporate limits
of said town that shall be injurious to the sanitary condition
SEC. 13. That all sidewalks on the streets of said town
shall not be less than three feet in width and of such material
as the Mayor and Town Council may direct, and the Mayor
and Town Council may assess upon the land abutting said
sidewalk two-thirds of the cost of the construction thereof,
which assessment shall be a lien upon the abutting property
and shall be recovered from the owner of such abutting prop-
erty in the name of the Mayor and Town Council as taxes
and other assessments are recoverable.
SEC. 14. That the Mayor and Town Council may, by
ordinance, provide for the codification of all ordinances which
shall have been or may be passed, and for the printing of
said codifications, and the printed ordinances issued by the
authority of the Mayor and Town Council may be read in
evidence from the printed codification. The Mayor and Town
Council may employ a Town Attorney whose duties shall be
to advise the Mayor and Town Council and represent them
in all legal proceedings, court and otherwise. The Town
Attorney shall receive such fees and remuneration as the
Mayor and Town Council shall deem just and proper.
SEC. 15. The Treasurer of said town shall collect all
taxes levied by the Mayor and Town Council, and shall have
power and authority to collect such taxes by levy and sale
upon the real property of the delinquent.
SEC. 16. The Mayor and Town Council shall have power
to levy and collect taxes in said town not less than ten cents